"Ye came to the right place Matey because as your CAP'N my job is to BLOG about anything I think my readers want to read about & also let our vistors know about the BRAND NEW Designs that have been added to our web store. Well, I better get my Job started so, HAPPY READING MATEY!"

CAP'N CROC'S First Order of Business Today is to let you know that our designer just added Three SPOOKTACULAR Designs to our Web Store that you may want to head on over and check out!  Just in time for a HALLOWEEN BASH!  To locate our web store just click here  or use the Home link at the top of this page scroll on down a bit on that page and you will run right into it. "I think I may take a stroll on over to our web store myself today to set my eyes on some new Clothes right after I take a bubble bath in the SWAMPY Waters. 


Ye Matey! Me glad ye stopped by my Blog today. Me So Excited to announce to ye a couple of new treasures that have been added to Blackspot-Bay! First there is the Treasure Cavern located that the top of me Blog. Click it with ye mouse and it will take ye straight to the O'l Treasure Cavern where you may find ye some unique treasures that ye won't find here at Blackspot-Bays shop.  Don't ye worry Matey Me Treasure Cavern is like the Basement section of a Department Store. Have Fun Shopping at Both Places!


The Second Treasure Me Added here at Blackspot-Bay is our Current Sale News Port. Click that link above me O'l Blog & if ye see a Password Protection box there the Sale is currently not running but, if ye click on that same link on another day ye just might find a GREAT Sale that is going on! "Be sure to check back daily for these great sales MATEY!"


"HEADS UP! There is a SALE going on right now and the last day of this sale ends tomorrow... 10/18/2022 Come visit the Current Sale News Port above me blog to learn all about this GREAT Sale we're have 'n."